Remember I used to blog about "Happy Nomsday" - every sunday daniel and I would hangout and go explore some foodie place and pig out ALL day, hahah order like jabillion dishes and eat and eat non-stop and go for 2nd round and 3rd round and erm.. haha you get the drift. EAT-NON-STOP.
Well he finally came to church the other day and i had some time go to nomming before my appointment at Bugis Essensuals so he accompanied me to Bugis plus to have lunch first! Hahah technically this isn't Happy Nomsday since we only ate at one place hahah but well it's a start!

Went to the cute hawaiian themed Aloha Ma Maison, somebody's acting shhhhhhhhy! Hahaha love his leopard preeeen jacket from tw [Shock the heart out?! lol]. We're like taiwan fanatics! Hahaha every year must at least go once.

Escargots was eh O-K. Not fantastic really. The salmon & hamburger too, but the Cream Lime Tart is delicious!!! Tabao-ed the tarts for all the stylist at Essensuals to thank them for their hardwork and many many hours spent on beautifying my crazy hair everytime i'm there.

I remember the first time i came to Bugis Essensuals with Esther, super impressed by what a cool open space this is. Cos my impression of hair salons = noisy blaring hair dryers, stylist squeezing and maneuvering around a tight salon And the skills of the stylists here is obviously top-notch.
My hair is suuuuuuper important to me and I really trust them with my hair. I remember trying out another salon years ago and I came out and cried because my hair looks SO horrid, i know it really sounds damn bims but my hair is sooooo important to me!
Lol. play PS3 while waiting for your friend/girlfriend/wifey while she's getting her hair done, how many salons you know that has a PS3 to entertain your bored and waiting partner so you can prettify your hair in peace?!

They even have tvs above the hair rinsing area!! Hahahah they were playing Mr Bean that day, laugh die me!

Here with the gorgeous Mellisa F.J to get our hair done together, she did the anti-fizz treatment cos she has naturally wavy hair and the end result was looooovely. Woohoo she said a couple of her friends said we look alike, lol i don't know how i'd come close to looking as pretty as her but hahaha so honoured! *shy*
Hahahah sit in a salon for too long = achy butt and slightly nutty.
SO many people getting their hair done for CNY at Essensuals Bugis that day! Think i saw like 50 Shades of RED that day man. hahaha all different variation of red, but all very nice too!

Entertained myself with my darling Kindle & lots of kaypoh hollywood gossip news.
If you're following my on my instagram [@fidelistoh] you would've knew what i did to my hair already but you can pretty much guess by looking at this!

OMG! Freaking awesome colors or what! Love love love love!

Yes, I FINALLY "jumped on the ombre banwagon" and got my milky brown / Turquoise / Blue hair done by my awesome stylist Isabel at Bugis Essensuals!!! And i love that she blended everything very well and it doesn't look like a chunk of colors out of nowhere.

Here's my awesome stylist Isabel!
She's a super octopus! Hahaha she had to attend to 5 customers at one go, madness! She's super awesome and dedicated to give me the hair i wanted and she even had to OT 2 hours to get my fab ombre hair done! Arigato hunnie, love you to death next time buy more nom noms for ya! (:
✩❄ Exclusive for my readers: ❄✩
If you're looking to get your hair done for CNY, go to Essensuals Bugis!
Call 6333 0039 for your appointment, quote "TheLuckiestChick / Fidelis" to get 10% off your bill.

Naise or not! Omg love it like crazy, so gonna go try out the new Mythic Oil treatment at Bugis Essensuals soon! Isabel used the Mythic Oil Serum on my hair and my hair looks and feel really good right after, btw i had to bleach my hair ends to get the ombre done so this mythic oil thing, s really some good stuff.
Btw, for the MYTHIC OIL RITUAL TREATMENT, and you are entitled for 15% OFF for a limited time only if you quote "TheLuckiestChick / Fidelis" at Essensual Bugis.

Hehehe love co-ordinating my outfit with my hair!
Hahahah so fun. Lucky me i have ALOT of blue/teal/green stuff.
Soooo in love with my "peacock" ombre hahaha, i've got so much compliments on it so far heh. Really like how the base milky brown really blends in with the turquoise and blue ends!
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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